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Diversión en el jardín

Our job

We support and advise different clients in the United States, with everything that involves the agricultural field, in the elaboration and management of their projects, we facilitate alliances between different and diverse actors, either to transform a problem into a solution or an idea into a project.
We also support them with advice and coordination throughout the chain that makes up their project, establishing management plans, according to the needs of each link. Thus our experience with different companies such as Rastros, Agro Advance technology, Summabio, etc. it has given us the necessary experience to generate technologies and solutions; the ones your company needs.


Juan Pablo Brichta. CEO. 

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Graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, in Argentina as an Agricultural Engineer. With more than 10 years of experience, he generates high quality products in the entire field of agronomy and biotechnology. Passionate about technology and business formation, he has acquired great capacities, from leadership issues, technical knowledge, etc. A professional, who knows how to provide the best help to his clients.

Las plántulas
• We seek to collaborate with the development of each of our clients in the United States; giving them a professional, specialized, reliable and timely service.

• Design, implement and energize environments and instances that favor and lead to networking. Associativity is our motto, because we understand that strategic alliances are vital. Since the union is strength.

• Strengthen management tools and innovative skills in business, in order to promote sustainability in business.

• Support our clients, giving them the tools they would need to promote and translate their ideas into a product.
Plantar un árbol

Our objetive

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